Yesterday I was talking to a friend across the street and seeing my house from her front yard, I noticed how the low-hanging branches on the trees blocked the view to my house. So I got busy. With heavy-duty pruners, a hand saw, and my Felco #8's, I went to work and carved out a space that now reveals the white picket fence, the front entry and the colorful window boxes.
Early this morning I met the garbage men to purchase yard waste stickers. Then I rode my bike out to Lowes for a sprayer hose attachment, so I could hose down the screened porch. Once that task was complete, I left it to dry in the breeze before moving the furniture back in. I headed back out to the front yard to bag and bundle the trimmings from the shrub- and tree-pruning.
I headed back inside for a few minutes to start my bread dough. Once I had that assembled and left to rise, I gathered, sorted, and started the first load of laundry. Then I headed back out to empty the compost bucket and ended up in the veggie garden for some major weeding. Gigi's four hours of pulling weeds yesterday left me feeling a tiny bit neglectful of the tiny plot I farm. I found a pepper, 3 kohlrabi, some radishes, and 4-5 smallish onions. I have tiny beans growing and the cilantro is scrumptious!
Once I had that finished (sort of ;{), I decided to mow the back yard and the way-back garden. I swept the patio, sawed some broken tree limbs for the fire pit. By now the porch floor and furniture were dry, so I carried everything back into the porch, and headed inside to clean up.
Tess needed a ride to downtown to meet up with some friends B4 swimming, so I showered, then started a list for groceries. As we were pulling out of the drive, a white BMW pulled up beside us and asked where a certain street was in town. He was on the wrong side of town, so I told him to follow me; we were headed that way. He followed us into town and found his business, so I guess I did my good deed for the day.
I stopped by the bank, then headed for the grocery store, where I ran into 2 of my best friends. We chatted as we shopped, which made for a delightful passage of time on a rather mundane task. The second friend suggested that we get together on Thursday for some kayaking on Ada Hayden lake, Ames' newest city park. I look forward to that. (She called when I got home and asked if we could kayak tonight instead; something was already scheduled for Thursday. I just got back and it was awesome!)
Once home, I put the groceries away, and here I am recounting my day, but need to wrap this up and start supper. The troops are going to be home shortly! Oh, I forgot, I made the rolls and baked them, so we have fresh bread for supper tonight.
It feels good that I got so much accomplished today. It has been pretty lazy around here this last week. But it's late, so I think I'll call it a day. Good night.
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