I met a practitioner yesterday when he reviewed my work and we hit it off soundly. He was impressed with my presentation and it was probably one of the best reviews I have had to date. He has done design work all over the world and he appreciated my process, my style, and my ideas which made me feel grand. We met up again at the 'after LA Review Day BBQ' and we talked about my work and what I had in mind for the future. Who Knows?!!! But the wheels are turning and my whole life seems to be opening up to me.
After pulling 2 all-nighters to finish up with the requirements of the project, I finally got some sleep, but woke up at the crack of dawn. I don't know exactly why, but I felt such an urgency to run to the end of the block to watch a sunrise this morning....a new day dawning.
As I stood and waited for the sun to make its ritual appearance, I heard a clacky squawk overhead. When I looked up, I saw two Great Blue Herons! They had the whole sky in which to fly, but they never strayed, their path took them right over my head.
That had to mean something. In all the years I have been spotting and following these majestic birds, I have only ever seen one at a time. This morning I saw two. Together flying. It was a beautiful sight and I felt like they were bringing me a message, something I needed to pay attention to.
I googled the symbology of the Great Blue Heron and this is what I found....
The blue heron is a totem (symbol) of someone who has chosen to claim their life as their own. According to North American Native tradition, the Blue Heron brings messages of self-determination and self-reliance. It represents an ability to progress and evolve. The long thin legs of the heron reflect that even though we must be able to stand on our own, we don't need legs that are great massive pillars to remain stable. Blue Herons have the innate wisdom of being able to maneuver through life and create their own circumstances. If the Blue Heron has shown up as your totem, it reflects your need to follow your own unique wisdom and path of self-determination. You know what is best for yourself, and need to follow your heart rather than the promptings of others. You probably sit calmly while the rest of us lose patience. And when you choose to follow the promptings of your heart, you soar with magnificence.
What a powerful thought to start my day. And I had a wonderful day. I ran errands and when I returned home, I started my chores. I spent the entire day in the garden. I got busy pruning and burning and mowing and clipping my way around in the beds. Pure bliss for someone who has been away far too long.
And the message from the GBH, right on.