Christina put out a call for a list of simple things. Since I missed that call, today I am going from simple to favorite...
tiny, but mighty KandK popcorn
the landscape
the flower of the ginger plant
a slice of chocolate ganache cake
a road trip in the Mini...with lots of twisties
a research project that starts out badly and ends up swimmingly
the perfect summer day
finding a twenty-dollar bill in the pocket of a jacket
an unexpected ‘I love you’ from my cheeky 15 year-old daughter
discovering a piece of brown transferware for $1 at a garbage sale
parking the mower when finished cutting the grass-front, back, and wayback
a DQ Peanut Buster Parfait on my birthday
that first buttered bite into an ear of sweet corn
rhubarb crunch
a front porch with porch swing
a summer dress that makes me look fabulous!
a cup of coffee early in the morning
staying in my pajamas all day
holding hands with a loved one
working in studio early Sunday morning before anyone else arrives
cranking a favorite CD while driving the back roads
working in the garden all day long
preparing favorite food in my kitchen
finding a comment from a favorite blogger ;}
Dewey, my Sheltie
wetlands and ponds
the smell of lilacs, peonies, and lemon lilies
hearing the Boys call me Miss Deb
grocery shopping
capturing the landscape in my sketchbook
discovering a sense of place
finding my way thru the process
receiving a hand-written letter from a friend
a cold Blue Moon...with an orange slice
a night at the ballpark...minor league, please
the sound of rain on the tin roof of a little farmhouse in the middle of nowhere
salted peanuts in my Coke
eggs over-easy, hashbrowns, dry toast with grape jam, and black coffee
any Vermeer painting
romance and passion